InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Announcements

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We have created an official FaceBook page that will be used to mirror our twitter account for status updated etc. This is yet another great offsite location to let everyone know what is going on when we have any kind of downtime

Become a fan of InsaneJournal at so you can get our status updates added to your feed.

And just as a reminder, here is the official IJ twitter account
  • I've been having this issue to for the past several days.
    • Thirding this. It's really, really random as far as which ones I'm getting and which ones I'm not. sometimes I'll get all of them for one thread, or every-other tag, or not get several in a row. Same for new post notifs. I'll get one for a comm update, but not the next. It's highly annoying.
      • Fourthing this. I am also having problems receiving notifications...sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't and they are not in my spam folder - I checked. Also, I am on AOHell, so maybe it is another blocking issue?
        • Yup. I switched my journals to gmail and haven't had a problem. Two people I know still having issues - one on aim mail, one on aol.
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