InsaneJournal Announcements

Moving Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Moving Sale

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In an effort to provide better service at a lower cost we are going to be moving to a different hosting provider for our servers. Once this move is completed we will analyze our costs and pass along some of the savings to you.

In order to make this move though we are going to need to raise about $4000 of extra cash. We need to raise this money as soon as possible so we can get the new servers up and running and get the site onto them.

I am going to be setting permanently insane accounts for sale for $50 and insane userpics for sale for a discounted $125. This sale will go on at least for 1 week, if we still have funds we need to raise by the end of that week we will leave the sale on.

In addition we are going to be selling 6 month Self-Committed accounts for $10 and 12 month Self-Committed accounts for $20.

Thank you for continuing to support InsaneJournal
  • This feels like a dumb question but you said the sale would be for a week. Has it started then? I don't see a starting/ending date.

    • It's started, yes, since those items are available in the store. I assume it started the day he posted the notice.
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