InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification Area

InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification Area

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I have made some changes to the notification center. First of all I have made it possible to mark items as read and delete items, also in the dramatic, worksafe, and monodramatic site schemes the link to the notification center now includes the number of read items.

I have also increased the number of subscriptions users can have to the following:

Free Patient: 50
Early Inmate: 100
Self-Committed [paid]: 500
Permanently Insane: 1000
Permanently Insane with Insane Userpics: 5000

Please be aware that the notification area is still in beta and there are some things that do not yet work.
  • Thank you for everything you do!

    The only thing I ever want is that you will be here as forever as possible, that InsaneJournal will not go away.

    Um...what is a subscription? I have a Permanent Insane account...I think I have extra userpics too...I forget.
    • It means you can "subscribe" to a particular entry (by clicking on this icon) and get notified of replies. But the number of subscriptions is limited. They show up at the bottom of one's message setting page.
      • You beat me and I totally didn't realize you could do that with entries, too. I never noticed it, I guess. Thanks for pointing that out :)
        • *g* and I forgot that you can also track "people" on their profile page. So it evens out nicely!
      • Oh, thanks! I've been here for over a year and didn't know that!
    • You see the little thumbtack icon on someone's userinfo page? You can click that and "subscribe" to a certain user and you'll be notified when they upload an icon, update, when their birthday is coming up, or when the username is purged.
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