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Update to yesterdays username purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Update to yesterdays username purge

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I made a mistake in yesterday's username purge and included asylums in the purge. I have reactivated all asylums that were still listed as deleted. I apologize for this and promise it will not happen again in any future purges.
  • Thank you, [info]squeaky!
  • This wasn't an issue that effected me but once again your forthrightness in admitting you've made a mistake is so refreshing. Thanks for continuing to communicate with us and listening when there is a grievance.
  • Were you only purging usernames that had been deleted?
    • We are deleting inactive usernames. We sent an email to every affected account. They will be purged in 2 weeks unless the account owner takes action.
  • Thank you!
  • No worries!
    I heart goonies!
  • Thank you so much, Squeaky. I got a little freaked out by the asylum deletions, LOL! It's wonderful, and as someone already said, very refreshing, to see an administrator admitting their mistakes and rectifying them. I feel a LOT better now. :)
    • Thanks for pointing out to me what a bad idea it was. In the original purge that we did last year we didn't hit asylums. I really didn't even think about it this time. So it really was a bad mistake.
  • Related question

    If asylums are going to be exempted from purges, what can be done in the case of asylums which have no content and appear to have been used for squatting purposes? (I understand that no posts doesn't necessarily mean inactivity -- but I would think that would apply to journals more than asylums.) Full disclosure -- I've had my eye on [info]wordpress waiting for a purge so I could actually use it for Wordpress-content (of course this is hypothetical because it wasn't included in the purge originally.)
  • Thanks Squeaky.
  • I'm on gmail and all my notifications for multiple accounts have gone down. I'm not getting anything.
  • Thanks, Squeaky! =D
  • Thank you for fixing that up!

    Secondly; it is fucking awesome that you and the rest at IJ's team do this. The purging, I mean. I still have communities at LiveJournal that I had handed over 'then temporarily but lost maintainership of' to ex's, are still inactive accounts from even as far back as 2004! It's great that accounts here will be purged after a reasonable level of time for the owners to.. well, actually use the account.

    To the people who're upset about it; either use it or lose it =/ Accounts that are hogged for the SNs, as well as the abandoned accounts such as RPGs, only take up space and slow the site down.

    some asylums should be deleted though, seeing as their moderator is going to be and they have no members.
  • and any reason you won't purge untouched early adaptor accounts?
  • maybe it's just me but it doesn't seem quite fair to count a single log in over the course of two years as enough to keep the journal active when it clearly has no entries, the layout hasn't been messed with. it's clear nobody is using that journal, they are just holding onto it for no reason.
  • Have you considered doing a running purge? For example, purging accounts inactive since 1-02 to 1-15 in a month, 1-16 to 1-30 in 6 weeks, etc? It sounds like it'd be a really good source of revenue because I know that I'd personally spend at last $40 on rename tokens (plus a couple paid accounts) for journals created in January during the GJ exodus that've been abandoned.
  • Is there a certain time when the purge happens? There's a username I really want to get. I know it's two weeks from when you announced it but does the purging happen at a certain time or is it just when you have the time to do it?
  • Sorry this is completely off-topic but I just tried to upload a new userpic and received the following error message ....

    [Error: Can't locate object method "as_string" via package "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_open domain=livejournal&fid=0&class=userpics&multi_dest=1&key=up:142160:7739384 ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 " (perhaps you forgot to load "MogileFS::Backend: tracker socket never became readable ( when sending command: [create_open domain=livejournal&fid=0&class=userpics&multi_dest=1&key=up:142160:7739384 ] at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 "?) at '/home/lj/htdocs/editpics.bml' line 518. @]
  • i had 108 comments on the first post in this journal earlier this morning and now there's none! and no one even commented the post! :\
  • Does this mean that in two years, all the accounts of characters who have died in [info]lightning_war will have to make a fake post to avoid deletion?
  • how about journals that haven't been active or what seems to not be used in over 6 years? i would say sure, they might have logged in, but even their email address they have in their uder info, has been deleted. i admit it, i tried emailing them to ask if they still wanted it XD

    Schools: None listed
    Friends: None listed.
    Account type: Early Inmate
    Date created: 2003-07-17 01:26:29
    Date updated: Never.
    Clients used:
    Journal entries: 0
    Comments: Posted: 0 - Received: 0

    is there a reason why this wouldn't purge? i am dying for this username and i was just wondering if you could tell me.
  • hey can someone pm me the time and actual day of the purge? thank you so much! :)
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