InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

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To anyone who received a notification that their account had been deactivated, we misworded the email stating that your account had been inactive for 2 years. In reality we used the date 01-01-2008 as our cut off point for inactivity. We apologize of the inconvenience.
  • I have a permanent individual account and I'm the maintainer of three communities. I received notification that one of my comms was deleted due to inactivity so I changed the account status back to active and everything is back to normal. But -

    1) I was under the impression (from other comments in this post) that permanent accounts shouldn't have been affected?
    2) I'm always logged in
    • is the asylum permanent? and activity means activity in that journal, i believe. not just yours as the moderator. but good thing you caught it in time. :)
      • I assumed the asylum was permanent because my account is and I created both of them but I'm probably wrong :-)

        With regards to activity, it may get one or two posts a year. That's because there's only three entries and I update each page accordingly -
        • oh yeah! it's a free patient. see each individual journal, whether it's an asylum or normal journal has a different identity. so no comms you moderate will be perm unless you pay for them to be, just like your journal :)

          and yeah, just make sure you log into now and then or make a post and delete it and i'm sure it will stay active!
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