InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

InsaneJournal Announcements

Miswording in notification emails

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To anyone who received a notification that their account had been deactivated, we misworded the email stating that your account had been inactive for 2 years. In reality we used the date 01-01-2008 as our cut off point for inactivity. We apologize of the inconvenience.
  • In my opinion, purging communities is really screwed up. Someone else said it and I'll second it. One of the biggest pull and the most activity on insanejournal is roleplaying. When a game dies or finishes, it will go inactive, but we don't get to save the threads that we've done because of that? Unless someone can direct me to something otherwise, nothing I've found saves comments when you archive journal entries. That was one of the biggest disappointments about greatestjournal dying to me. We lost all of our writing and all of our hard work. People came to insanejournal to escape the problems of greatestjournal and livejournal. I really hope you reconsider purging the communities.
    • LJarchive saves comments, so long as you check that option.
    • I agree, we are going to restore all of the asylums that were deleted. This was a mistake on my part and I am going to correct it.
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