InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

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The database moves have been completed. If you are still experiencing comment rot, please report it here ( While we think this may be the solution we are not 100% sure. The database move needed to happen for other reasons anyways so it is not a total waste of time.

In addition, we are doing a purge of inactive usernames. If an account has not been active since 01-01-2008, we are deleting the account and sending a 14 day notice to the email owner of the account that it is going to be purged.

This should free up several thousand usernames to be made available via rename tokens. This process of notifying the users of their accounts being deleted may cause some email delays for the next 24 hours or so.
  • Yeah I can understand that but it's easy to fix right now, you know? You can go reactivate whatever but there are LOADS of people who horde names and never ever use the journals, and this is really the only way to free that all up.

    I know how you feel with school and stuff, I have a three year old and a job plus school myself. But the way I see it, at least we're being notified that it's happening and we can fix it. It'd suck so much worse if we didn't know and the 14 days passed.
    • Maybe, but it just seems...unnecessary. Why not send out an email saying that it'll be arriving instead of getting an email telling you the comms already been deactivated without your permission?
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