InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

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The database moves have been completed. If you are still experiencing comment rot, please report it here ( While we think this may be the solution we are not 100% sure. The database move needed to happen for other reasons anyways so it is not a total waste of time.

In addition, we are doing a purge of inactive usernames. If an account has not been active since 01-01-2008, we are deleting the account and sending a 14 day notice to the email owner of the account that it is going to be purged.

This should free up several thousand usernames to be made available via rename tokens. This process of notifying the users of their accounts being deleted may cause some email delays for the next 24 hours or so.
  • Curious, cause I know it'll come up.

    I received an e-mail that an asylum of mine was being deleted and it turns out it wasn't associated with this account. How are users able to un-delete their asylums if they can't recall what account it's associated with?
    • Re: Curious, cause I know it'll come up.

      If a password was included in the email, it is an old style asylum that can be logged into. You can then go an assign a maintainer. While logged in you can also go and undelete it.
      • Re: Curious, cause I know it'll come up.

        It doesn't include a password. The communities I'm losing are no big deal, but in case of users who are upset over it, is there any way to recover who the original maintainer is?
        • Re: Curious, cause I know it'll come up.

          Opening a support request is the best idea. If an asylum is deleted and has no maintainer then we can reassign maintainership.
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