InsaneJournal Announcements

Addressing Recent Economic Worries.

InsaneJournal Announcements

Addressing Recent Economic Worries.

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With the recent economic downturn there are a lot of businesses that are in trouble out there. They can't get loans to pay their bills, and are unable to keep running in the red. It seems that even the site that started all of this, LiveJournal, has been having problems. I want to write here in this space to let you know that IJ isn't going anywhere. And we are able to handle another influx of users if that needs to happen.

I have always taken pride in being able to keep this site running in the black. And between the ads that run on the site and the various paid accounts and rename tokens that all of you continue to purchase, we are able to stay that way. We do not have any debt to pay off nor do we have any investors that we need to keep happy. While we have felt this economic downturn ourselves, we are only affected in that we are unable to keep building a cash reserve, but we are still able to pay the bills every month.

Hopefully this will reassure you that we are not going anywhere, and I have no intention of shutting down or reducing the services on InsaneJournal at any point in the foreseeable future.
  • Humm,

    This is the first I have heard of this problem. If you can think of any other information, such as any plug-ins or add-ons you have installed that might affect this let me know. I will try to investigate this on my side as well.
    • I've been encountering this problem too for a few months now, and I use Firefox's most recent version, but it was having this problem with the past version as well. I usually just refresh the page after submitting my request to join the community and it seems to go through, but it is annoying to keep seeing the error message. Not fatal, juat annoying.
    • (I am choosing to post my comment here, because I'm not sure it will get seen, or responded to on the 3rd/4th page.)

      While it's nice to see you say that the site isn't going anywhere, I have to wonder how much truth is behind your statement that the site could handle another influx of users, if that is needed.

      For the past 3/4 days, the site has been going incredibly slow, crashing, or just all together not loading, and you've yet to even post one quick note to let anyone know that it's something that's being addressed. It's really getting frustrating. It seems like the only things you address anymore are various account sales, and ways to bring in money. Can't you talk about fixing some of the many issues that the site has? I've long since given up hope that any of the old bugs that you mentioned would be fixed almost a year ago (comment rot, update consoles deleting custom friends groups, etc) but it really bothers me when the site is this slow, and/or doesn't load for days at a time without one word from you to even let us know that you're aware of the problem.

      I'm a patient person, and I obviously like this website, because I'm here, and I use it, but it gets really frustrating when it looks like (at least from my end) that all you care about is finding more ways to bring in money, instead of how to fix things, and keep them running smoothly.
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