Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2008-11-26 17:59:00

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Update: InsaneJournal Holiday Sale
Hello we have decided to extend the hours of the first part of the InsaneJournal Holiday Sale. Our 2008 Holiday Sale that will occur on Thursday and Friday November 27-28th, 2008.

We are running the sale in 2 phases.

The first sale will start at 9pm(EST) Thursday, November 27th and end Noon(EST) Friday November 28th.

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $65
Permanently Insane: $30
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

Then from Noon(EST) until Midnight(EST) pn November 28th we will have the second part of the sale.

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $100
Permanently Insane: $50
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

After midnight Insane Userpics and Permanently Insane Accounts will not be for sale and the rest of the prices will go back to normal.

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2008-11-26 05:45 pm UTC (link)
Thank you, this is MUCH better for those of us on the west coast! I was not looking forward to getting up at stupid o'clock in the morning on Friday. :)

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