InsaneJournal Announcements

2008 Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

2008 Holiday Sale

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I am announcing our 2008 Holiday Sale that will occur on Friday November 28th, 2008.

We are running the sale in 2 phases.

The first sale will start at 6am(EST) Noon(EST).

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $65
Permanently Insane: $30
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

Then from Noon(EST) until Midnight(EST) we will have the second part of the sale.

The prices will be as follows

Insane Userpics: $100
Permanently Insane: $50
1 Year Self-Committed: $20
6 Months Self-Committed: $10
12 Months Extra Userpics: $10
6 Months Extra Userpics: $6
Rename Tokens: $4

After midnight Insane Userpics and Permanently Insane Accounts will not be for sale and the rest of the prices will go back to normal.
  • that's understandable but shouldn't a sale like this be put off until the bugs are fixed? things like comment rot are making me crazy.
    • This sale has been on the to-do list for a long time and it doesnt take any time out of squeaky's schedule to implement. He just figuratively flips and switch and all is a go. Fixing the comment rot problem is a heck of a lot harder and takes a ton of time sifting through coding.

      He does work on it, whenever he gets the chance, but with the way things are right now, its a tough to find time for him to sleep, let alone work on the site. That should change by the end of this week. So keep an eye out.
      • I wasn't questioning if the sale takes time. I'm more pointing out that before you sell a product or a service, you generally want to smooth out things you already know are wrong with it. It's easy to sell accounts, it's probably more difficult to fix the problems. I guess my point was that it makes me weary putting more money into problems that haven't been fixed yet. Don't get me wrong, I love this site! I appreciate what Squeaky does for us! I just wish for all the times I've spent money I'd have a bit more to show for it, like a little progress.
      • I'm just frustrated I guess because while I understand that comment rot is a huge, complicated problem, there's all these little inconvenient bugs like the admin console ruining custom filters that make me less jazzed about the site overall, and unless I'm mistaken, those are a lot easier to fix. It makes me a little wary of investing more money. I'm probably going to buy something from the sale anyway, but I really, really hope he gets to work on the SMALL bugs very soon. At least get those fixed.
    • Something you can do about comment rot in the meantime:

      Change your settings so that you receive an email notification of every comment you receive, including your own. If that's way too much commentary for your regular inbox, I suggest opening a gmail account just for this purpose and setting that address as your account's email address for the time being.

      This means that, for one thing, no matter what vanishes, you'll have a copy of it stored if you need to refer to it.

      But in addition, I've often found that, if a comment of mine vanished and I had a notification in my email box, just clicking on the link to the specific comment could restore it. My hypothesis is that the connection between the comment and the post gets disengaged, so the comment is still there, but the system doesn't know where to put it. Clicking on the link "reminds" it, and it gets restored. I can't guarantee that it'll work 100% of the time, but I've had good results doing that.

      And as Insanity said, it's a lot more complicated a problem than the sale... it's going to take some time to puzzle out, especially because, while LJ coders caused the problem in the first place, they've been less generous about sharing coding information and have never told anyone how they solved the problem over there. Squeaky's had to start from scratch.
      • You can see my reply to Insanity here in regards to the sale. I think my point was misconstrued. I understand it takes time.

        I get notifications emailed to me, but I haven't had it so that it sends me my own comments as well, so I'll do that, thanks! That's a really great suggestion. I haven't ever experienced the reappearing comment phenomena though. Generally what happens to me is that it will wipe out all comments to a post (seemingly at random, because it's occurred to posts with a high and relatively miniscule comment count). It's just bothersome. Which ties into my point about the sale, that I'm sure in the long run, Squeaky would profit more from a sale held after issues were fixed. I know the 30 dollars is an incentive for me, but I'd be more than happy to pay 50 or 60 again if it meant everything was working as it should. :)
      • Ah on second thought, it seems like getting a copy of your own comments is only available if you have a paid account.
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