InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ad Layouts

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ad Layouts

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I have updated the ad layouts to try to make the site easier on the eyes. This is work that I had completed some time ago but never rolled live. I decided that you guys deserved something out of me so since this wasn't going to take additional time I have rolled it out.

Right now what you will notice is that there are ads on your profile page and entry pages. If you have a paid account you will not see ads at all on the site while you are logged in.

Now for an extra bonus, if you are paid, nobody will see ads on your profile page or your entry pages. There will still be ads on other parts of the site as soon as I have time to write the code to add them in.

Sorry this took so long.

We are aware that the large square ad on the right side of the profile messes with the layout. We are going to look into a way of fixing that as soon as possible.

I have moved the second ad on the profile page from a square ad on the right to a leaderboard below "Account type" This should resolve formatting issues some were seeing.
  • I have filed a complaint against IJ to the Better Business Bureau.

    1, for the amount of downtime that has happened during the course of having some of my other paid accounts and 2, for my URGENT support tickets going ignored.
    • Are you kidding me? You filed a complaint against an online journal to the better business bureau? Have you not been around while the GJ debacle happened?

      I'm sorry, but squeaky has been working his ASS off to keep this site going. You aren't the center of the IJ universe and I hope you know there are tons of other people that would like to be first in line too. But they wait because they know squeaky will come around. Yeah, there's down time but he always gets it back up as soon as he knows about it and apologizes profusely after it's all happened. I'm sorry but I rather take a few down times, knowing I'll have a journal site to come back to rather than dealing with GJ and an admin who doesn't care. So if you really dislike the site that bad, why are you sticking around? Not to mention I have a few paid accounts too and I don't go around bitching that since I paid I should get this and that. It was my choice to pay for the account and I'll stay in line with the rest of the people if something happens. Show some respect for someone who puts a lot into this site, when he has his own job and family to contend with too.
    • Be secure in the knowledge that you're making little old ladies who lost their life saving suffer because you're a whiny child.
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