InsaneJournal Announcements

Issues Resolved

InsaneJournal Announcements

Issues Resolved

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The past few nights the site has had some loading issues. I have discovered and resolved the problems. A few of the webservers were not booting properly and I was also not being properly notified. I apologize for the issues you all have been seeing recently, the site should start running better right away.
  • oh okay now what about the comments disappearing? 10 out of 11 entries of mine have them gone- and one lost the comments to it twice.
    • I have some ideas as to what might be causing it, and as soon as time permits I am going to get this resolved.
      • i just sent an email, you're more than welcome to disect anything in my journal you need to because i know some people have lost comments to an entry or two- but i've lost them to all but one of mine. thank you for anything you can do. i thought about moving but i'd rather wait and hear what is causing it to avoid it in my new journal if it's something the user is doing wrong.
      • and if it helps for comparisons the journal [info]patrickstumph has never lost any
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