InsaneJournal Announcements

Issues This Morning

InsaneJournal Announcements

Issues This Morning

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I have been working on doing some database optimizations to see if it will help with the "Comment Rot" problem. It seems that during this, some information that was cached in the database was lost including journal layouts and profile information. If you find this information is missing, you will need to reupload it.

We have not lost any entries or icons. Also please be aware that the comment loss is still our number one priority. We have some cool things coming once we solve this major issue.
  • That was the only point I was making =D Nothing's problem free; but there's a problem when the problems aren't fixed or they keep coming back. Being able to log in and post for once is nice, and I'd prefer to see a solution to that then something lesser like slow browsing!

    Problems always come up when there's a lot of journals and communities being made. I wish people would stop spam!creating journals, and never using them; or when they create an asylum and delete it in 2 minutes so there's a strikethroughed asylum on the 'newest asylums' list D:

    No comment about LJ; never touching that place with a 60ft pole. Hilarious that they keep covering up their problems with shiny new features (like v-gifts!), whilst Squeaky actually WORKS on the problem!
    • People RP here. Better accepting of it than LJ is now.

      But LJ was different back then, and that was like seven/six years ago.
      • RP is one of the reasons why communities are made =D

        LJ is a joke; was a joke when they changed owners and the witch hunt began; thank christ for IJ :D and staff that can actually run a business, with no bullshit or looking to Christian fundies for pointers.
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