InsaneJournal Announcements

Issues This Morning

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Issues This Morning

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I have been working on doing some database optimizations to see if it will help with the "Comment Rot" problem. It seems that during this, some information that was cached in the database was lost including journal layouts and profile information. If you find this information is missing, you will need to reupload it.

We have not lost any entries or icons. Also please be aware that the comment loss is still our number one priority. We have some cool things coming once we solve this major issue.
  • Add me to the list of lost icons.
  • Only a few of my comments went missing, but again, the icon thing. That would be cool to fix.
  • ...I just lost all my icons on several rp journals ._.
  • No icons, either.
  • Just checked several journals - friends, asylums, etc - all the icons are gone. What happened?
  • People, icons are gone EVERYWHERE. :/ Let's just chill out and wait for Squeaky to wake up/become aware of the situation.
  • Yeah, icons missing here too. Not just that, but it won't let me upload any, either. It uploads a broken image with this error message:

    [Error: Can't locate object method "as_string" via package "MogileFS::Backend: couldn't connect to mogilefsd backend at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 " (perhaps you forgot to load "MogileFS::Backend: couldn't connect to mogilefsd backend at /home/lj/cgi-bin/MogileFS/ line 259 "?) at '/home/lj/htdocs/editpics.bml' line 518. @]
  • Icons, it seems, are dead (which I'm sure you've already received well enough comments to state this), but I just wanted to say thank you so much for working on this site. I don't mind re-uploading the icons if they don't show up (as long as the uploading works again).

    Also, is there any way you can fix the filter problem soon? You know, when we add people via the admin console, we lose our filters and have to redo them all, which wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have a journal with several filters on it. When you get a chance, of course. I know we bug the hell out of you.

    Anyway, thank you so much for the work you do. Even when people complain, deep down, we all are very much appreciative of it.
  • Yeah, I can't see any icons on any journals period. :( I'm sure you guys are on it, just letting you know!
  • Add me to the list of lost icons.
  • Does that mean you're aware of the probs with icons ...cant see any now
  • Yeaaaaah. Seems that everyone has lost the majority of their icons, including myself. Hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come and hope it can be fixed soon! ♥
  • Gotta love paying for more icons...only to have none of them work. Fantastic.

    Hopefully this is fixed soon.
  • I can't see any icons either, but I trust entirely that you're working on getting everything back up and running as quickly as you can.

    Also a note, I really think people should be more grateful for the time and effort that Squeaky puts into IJ. Even if it's not enough as other journal sites such as LJ, it's still a hell of a lot more than we ever got with GJ. And Squeaky is only one person, not a team of people. I'm very satisfied with my stay on IJ, despite the problems he's had trying to accommodate all the thousands of users coming over from GJ. If it were me, I would've said to hell with it and stopped doing anything to help the rabid, bitchy complainers and just let the site go to shit. I think anyone who has any intelligence should understand that he's doing his best, and unless you have a realistic view of how much time it takes to run a major site like this and know what Squeaky does in his spare time, you should just keep your bitchy "opinions" to yourself.

    Anyhow, I really hope you can get things fixed quickly and thanks again, Squeaky!
    • Agreed! Nothing on GJ ever got fixed, but at least we have a reliable admin here, and things always get fixed!
    • Amen! Couldn't have said it better. As an LJ refugee, I'll take *any* inconvenience we get as long as Squeaky continues to be honest and love the site as much as he does. LJ may be the biggest thing out there, but they couldn't care less about their customers, no matter how much a girl screamed. At least Squeaky cares about his site--LJ only cares about their money.

      Hee! And that's it, for being negative. Hope you get the icons back up, but I can wait. It's only pictures--at least we have the servers and the content, right?
    • Completely agree.
    • (no subject) - [info]badroulbadour
  • Add me to the list of people missing 99 percent of their icons.
  • Yeah, add me to the list of people with vanishing icons. Good luck sorting it all out, Squeaky.
  • I'm on the bandwagon with most of the others - lost most of my icons that haven't been used very recently. But I know you're working on it!

    Also, I don't think it's been mentioned, but I can't create a new journal as the picture is missing for the word that has to be typed in at the bottom to prove you're not a bot. I tried sound as well and that gave me an error.

    Thanks for always keeping us updated on everything that you do around here!
  • *Flails!*
    All of our icons have died!
    Please don't say we need to reupload all of them o.o There were so many...
  • Icons gone. :(
  • my icons are lost too but i am really hoping this is just a temp thing and I don't have to reupload them. But I also wanted to say that most of the time (at least 90%) when I hit reply to a comment it logs me out.
  • I'm also on the list of people with broken icons; this journal appears not to have been hit, but [info]amor_remanet is missing most of the icons, and [info]paper_bag, [info]xenophile, [info]unkissed, [info]neverlupus, and [info]mygodisdead are missing all of their icons. I, too, am sure that you're working on this, but all the same.
  • All of my icons have gone missing. None of them show on my userinfo page and only 1/3 of them show in my Semagic client. Just thought you ought to know. :)
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