InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Issues

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I know the site has had some issues lately. The main thing being that the site sometimes times out during peak times. I have identified what has happened, and to fix it, I am going to need to rebuild all of the webservers. This may take me a week or two to complete. I am going to continue doing what I can to keep things running (rebooting the servers every few days seems to keep it under control).

As far as the other issues, here is the list of known site issues. I will work on them as time permits.

* directory.bml hangs searching
* Comments still seem to be disappearing.
* Edit userpics page loading slowly for users with lots of userpics (Firefox is still slow but won't timeout and give an error as a temporary workaround)
* Adding friends via the admin console causes custom groups to get emptied
* Joining a closed membership asylum
* Timezones on update page not reflecting change in DST in United Stats
* align= and border= options in image tags being striped by the HTML cleaner
* lynx sitescheme warning
* blank preview page
* Sometimes not able to change custom colors
* stats/stats.txt not updating
* cannot log in with blackberry

Now as far as some of the criticism that has been posted here. I have simply not had the time to dedicate to the big issue of comment rot on the site. I know it is a huge problem, and I have done some tracing, and am getting close to pinpointing the problem, and once that is done, I am sure it will be something simple to fix.

Please don't feel that I have been ignoring these issues to work on other things like the sitescheme. The work on these has been done by our volunteers and takes only a few minutes of my time to implement them.

Also, do not feel that I have been ignoring all the comments, I have read them all but I just have not had the time recently to respond to comments. I will try to do better to make the time to do this.
  • I like IJ and I like you, but if it's too much for you to do alone, maybe it's time to get help. Your expertise can't be needed for all the tasks of running a journaling system, so offloading some of the low-level stuff might give you time and space to deal with comment rot, which matters a lot.
    • I have offloaded a lot. I have helpers in support and abuse and site design, but I am still fighting keeping the site up and running day in and day out. Once that is resolved I should be able to make time to do more with the bugs on the site.
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