InsaneJournal Announcements

New sitescheme

InsaneJournal Announcements

New sitescheme

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With 52.4% of the vote. Worksafe (sidebar) is the defacto winner and is now the default scheme on InsaneJournal. This really brings IJ into the future. In addition we have removed access to most of the older schemes. We have left 'New Tweak' for those of you who liked the previous scheme, and 'Lynx' for you who prefer the lightweight schemes.

We are also working hard on a new way to display the ads so they will no longer be a hindrance to the site schemes. We hope to have this rolled out by the weekend.

Once agian, I want to send a warm round of applause to the [info]ij_siteschemes crew and [info]branchandroot for all of their help in getting these new schemes up and running!

Edit: We pushed out some new stylesheets. This should help some of you with the font size issues.
  • They are all set to the browser default, they are no longer specified in the browser.
    • Can you provide us a tutorial or something, as to how we can change the browser default, or adjust it?
      • In Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Content -> Default Fonts & Colors.
        • That's all well and good, but to make the font tolerable on IJ makes it ridiculously small on other websites. This appears to not be something that is easily fixed with a browser font change.
          • If you hold Ctrl, and then scroll with a scroll wheel, you can increase or decrease the font settings for that window. However, that gets annoying, and setting a default font size within the scheme would be easier, and should be doable.
    • Modifying the browser default changes all of my text, though. I could live with microscopic text on my main page, but the fact that it makes things such as Google search impossible to use... well, priorities, you know?

      I'll be the first to admit I'm not exactly tech-savvy, so it's highly possible that there could be a simple solution I'm overlooking.
      • Come to think of it, the problem could simply be that my resolution is effing huge, and 12 pt font is absolutely minuscule.

        From that angle, I'm curious as to why font that was previously proportional to my settings is now suddenly not. Or is, but proportionally larger, I mean.
    • Changing my font in my browser to make this site's font not-huge makes every other site have crazy-small font. Do you know how to fix that/why that is? I don't get why the other sites all read the font size differently than this one, and I think it's cause I'm punching buttons wrong!
    • Um are you sure about that? Because someone questioned the big font before and you said it was this big for personal reasons or something to that effect.

      There is no way to specifiy font size on one page so I don't understand your answer here, this layout has never been specified by the browser.

      I don't think it's fair to the users that they have to keep changing their font size just so there isn't huge ass font ruining their profiles and layouts juist because you want it set to "browser default", nobody uses font this big unless they have eye problems and if that's the reason you're doing this then this site scheme should also have a smaller font version for those with ok vision.
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