InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

InsaneJournal Announcements

The official new siteschemes poll

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The new siteschemes are officially moving out of beta, and with it we are going to change the default look of the site to one of these great new themes. Please decide which theme you think should greet new users and visitors of the site and vote today. Voting will be open for 1 week.

I want to send out my gratitude to [info]branchandroot and the entire [info]ij_siteschemes volunteer crew! You guys have done an AMAZING job!!!

Poll #2017 Siteschemes
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Which of these siteschemes would you prefer to be the default?

View Answers

Dramatic - Dropdown
95 (11.1%)

Dramatic - Sidebar
149 (17.5%)

Worksafe - Dropdown
163 (19.1%)

Worksafe - Sidebar
446 (52.3%)

Also we have uploaded a new alternate sitescheme, it is a black and white theme (sans-tweak and tweak-says for those that don't like him). It is called Monodramatic, it, too, is available in dropdown and sidebar options.

You can select any of the available siteschemes at
  • I voted for the Worksafe Sidebar theme. I also liked the other sidebar theme but the orange was a little much for me.

    Will we be able to choose our own colors in the future? Also, I would suggest moving the google ads somewhere else. I wouldn't mind at least the side one underneath the sidebar links so it wouldn't move the page information over so much.

    • I've seen a couple people wanting a choose-your-own-color scheme, and honestly I'd love to be able to do it. Maybe set it up kind of like choosing journal theme colors for the S2 styles. Unfortunately, that would require some serious monkeying around with the database and at least one site options page made from scratch. I can help with the design end of it, but I'm not an experienced enough backend programmer to do the nuts and bolts.

      If you want to look through the comments, and maybe get together with the other people who want this, and see if you can track us down someone willing to do the programming work (for free), that would be really fantastic, and I'd be happy to work with them on the project. Without another programmer, though, I don't know whether this can be done. *rueful* Squeaky is usually running full out just doing site maintenance and bug-squashing as it is.
      • Actually, a chose your own colors scheme can be done as long as you are using firefox, we are implementing alternate CSS which, in a sepcific theme, could allow for dozens of possibilities.
        • *thoughtful* That's true. I might see about a blue variation to test that out with, since that seems to be the most popular suggestion so far. I'll see if I have time to work it out next week.
          • Great, heh, just sent you an email on this too :)
      • Hmm, I completely understand your dilemma. And to be honest, I wouldn't know where to start in finding a programmer. I'm only able to do web design myself. Have you thought about asking Squeaky to just make a public announcement post and ask if anyone is interested? Or maybe that's already been done.
        • I know there have been a few requests made in the past. I'm not sure how recent the last one was. *wry* The fact that IJ can't afford to pay anybody yet means most people will only volunteer for very limited projects that can be fit in around school or work.

          On the bright side, I'm hoping that the new scheme will be easy to make individual layouts for with user styles, and that designers will gravitate over to [info]ij_siteschemes and share whatever they come up with. It's more complex than choosing colors on an options page, but it's a lot more flexible, too.
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