InsaneJournal Announcements

Weekend Sale and Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Weekend Sale and Site Update

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Edit: The sale has started!

Due to recent demand we are going to run a sale for this weekend only. Starting tonight at 8:00pm EDT running until Sunday at 8:00pm EDT we are putting Permanently Insane accounts and Insane Userpics back up for sale.

Permanently Insane accounts will be sold for $60 and Insane Userpics will be sold for $175.

So for slightly more than the cost of 2 years of InsaneJournal paid status, you can become Permanently Insane, and for $175 you can get access to 5000 userpic slots so you can have all the userpics you want.

Now for the site update. I know that there are a number of outstanding bugs on the site. It has been awhile since I have been able to address them. Because they are becoming stagnant, I am going to clear some time and really try to get as many of them fixed as I can this Sunday.

Here are the known site bugs that I will be working on all day Sunday. If you know of any other bugs that are not on the list, please let me know here, and before you report a bug, make sure someone else hasn't already reported it in the comments.

* Posting by email
* directory.bml hangs searching
* Comments still seem to be disappearing.
* Quickreply to comments not working
* Edit userpics page loading slowly for users with lots of userpics (Firefox is still slow but won't timeout and give an error as a temporary workaround)
* Adding friends via the admin console causes custom groups to get emptied
* Joining a closed membership asylum
* Timezones on update page not reflecting change in DST in United Stats
* align= and border= options in image tags being striped by the HTML cleaner
  • * There are no Birthday notifications. I don't know if that's a bug or just a discontinued feature, but in case.

    * The warnings on the site that you have a Private Message (the "you have a private message, do you want to read it now?") either doesn't show up or shows up weeks too late.
    I am not sure if there's supposed to be email notifications for those, but if there are, that's not working either.

    (I use gmail.)

    Good luck with it all and thank you so much for the hard work!
    • My private messages and birthday notifs show up just fine, so this may be a specific problem you're having (not sitewide)
      • I thought so too and opened a support request as well. But a couple of people on my friends list have reported the issue with the Birthday notifications as well. Not sure about the Private Messages - I will ask around.
    • I"m not receiving any birthday notifications at all, and it varies on if my private messages pop up arrives or not.
      • I'm kind of relieved to know it's not just me with the Private Messages either. Thanks.
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