InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

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We are getting close to having enough funds to setup with a new hosting provider. Right now we are about 65% of the way there. Keep up the donations and purchases from the InsaneJournal Store. Some of you have asked for a donation button, so I am providing one right here

Edit: We are getting closer. We are at about 90% of the goal for fundraising. Please note that once we reach our goal we are going to stop selling perm account and insaneuserpics, so hurry up and get them while you can!

  • (Anonymous)
    Through the store, why can't you pay via paypal using bank information? I already have my bank account all linked up with paypal. I would like to purchase some rename tokens but I'm having to wait a few days for paypal to send me a confirmation code by charging my credit card. I have to wait to see when it shows up on my statement. I'm worried someone is gonna get the two journal names I want. :[
    • We have had a number of bounced transactions so we no longer support that payment method.
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