InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

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We are getting close to having enough funds to setup with a new hosting provider. Right now we are about 65% of the way there. Keep up the donations and purchases from the InsaneJournal Store. Some of you have asked for a donation button, so I am providing one right here

Edit: We are getting closer. We are at about 90% of the goal for fundraising. Please note that once we reach our goal we are going to stop selling perm account and insaneuserpics, so hurry up and get them while you can!

  • virus in ij ads?

    squeaky, i keep getting an ad on ij that tries to run and install this mp3 thing on my computer. it takes a few seconds for the ad to pop up - i was happily reading some comments when it loaded fully and everything messed up - but my virus protection detector catches it and tells me it's a trojan. still, this thing pops up and refuses to close, so i have to ctrl alt del my way to safety. basically, it keeps happening. well, when i say KEEPS happening, it has happened twice but to stop it from happening i purchased paid time on all my currently used accounts so i wouldn't have to deal with it and changed my pop up blocking settings to high. i think it happened an hour or so ago when i tried to log in, a pop up was blocked and that has only happened the one time before - the time that i got the virus ad. is there anything you can do about that? i don't mind donating or purchasing paid time, but there's always the risk of getting another virus when logging in or logging out.
    • Re: virus in ij ads?

      Please let me know the site the ad links to. So i can remove it from rotation. I am very close to dropping our new ad provider for reasons just like this.
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