InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Funds Status

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We are getting close to having enough funds to setup with a new hosting provider. Right now we are about 65% of the way there. Keep up the donations and purchases from the InsaneJournal Store. Some of you have asked for a donation button, so I am providing one right here

Edit: We are getting closer. We are at about 90% of the goal for fundraising. Please note that once we reach our goal we are going to stop selling perm account and insaneuserpics, so hurry up and get them while you can!

  • Is there a way to view account purchase history?

    Last night I used this account to purchase a perm account for [info]hafren. I had issues with paypal on check out, and wasn't certain whether or not it went through. This morning, I have a $1 pre auth from paypal, but not the rest of the charge, and [info]hafren, is still a free user. And I just can't figure out if it's gone through or not. I definitely want to purchase the permanent account, but not really twice!

    I know LJ has a history, that gives you all the stuff you've purchased and when, so I was wondering if there was a similar page here?
      • Thank you so much, that's exactly what I was looking for! I just couldn't find it! It looks like the order is pending, so now I can stop worrying about it. :)

        Thanks again!!

      • I checked that page and it's saying that my cart for this account is pending and already checked out. Yet, yesterday, when I went to pay for it through my paypal account it told me I couldn't use my card, which I knew, because I got a new bank account and it wouldn't let me pull the money from my new bank account, because it said the payee didn't accept echecks. So, technically, I didn't pay and I didn't want this to go through as another error as before with my other account, narcissistic. Just a heads up, because I'm confused as to how it supposedly went through when paypal told me it hadn't.
        • No, the payment never went through. Pending means that the cart is checked out, but we are still waiting for payment
          • All right. I do plan on doing that as soon as my new debit card arrives this upcoming week, my paypal should work then. Thank you!
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