InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Accounts

InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane Accounts

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Just posting this as a reminder to everyone that at the end of this month, we are going to end the sale of Permanently Insane Accounts here. I am also going to warn you all well ahead of time, that when we do have future sales of this item, it will be for a higher price than they are selling for now. So if you don't want to have to pay for your upgraded account every time it expires, now is your chance to get Permanently Insane for only $40.
  • if I order one say today and am paying by money order as long as it gets to you before the 26th of march I'm good right? It will be sent before then but making sure i get that right since i don't have a credit card.
    • I paid for mine using one of those Visa gift cards you see at the drugstore. Not the Green Dot cards - those are evil! - but these. It's a lot faster, and you can get a book from Amazon or something with what's left over. ^_^
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