InsaneJournal Announcements

More InsaneJournal Servers Coming

InsaneJournal Announcements

More InsaneJournal Servers Coming

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Due to the continued influx of users to InsaneJournal and the generosity of those supporting the site with both advertising and Self-Committed and Permanently Insane accounts, we are going to be expanding the server capacity of the site. We have just ordered two additional webservers to sit in front of the current server we have now.

This will have the affect of making sure that we can handle the load of userpics and help the site run quickly and responsively even under the busiest hours. While this is going to further increase the amount of money it costs to run the site, all of the users here have made it possible for InsaneJournal to be able to expand at the rapid pace we are currently seeing.

We hope to be able to bring these new servers online over the weekend. We will keep you posted right here in [info]announcements for any updates.
  • Eventually I'm going to be purchasing a permanent account. I'm surprised that so many people have come over. GreatestJournal used to have 2000 icons and I suppose that's what made them lose all of their features like picture hosting and all that other jazz when they have perfectly good websites like ImageShack. You must be excited though about all the people but at the same time I hope people don't abuse your bw. So far I've seen great dissatisfaction with GreatestJournal and LiveJournal but I'm most comfortable here and being insane. It is, however, a sane choice to join you. I cant help but to smile when I see your username, too. It's friendly and familiar -- like a rubber ducky. Or a mouse minus scaring people. :|

    You are doing better than LiveJourbal though. Congratulations on your success, Squeaky. It's a pleasure being here.

    I'm sure 2008 will be a blast for you. Happy (Early) New Year.

    [I wouldn't be surprised if people started commenting with "FIRST! Hah, I am cool." They do that everywhere just to show how retarded they are. "H'yup." I'm sure you're going to love that if they're not already doing it already. And pretty soon you're going to be seeking Chuck Norris as a bodyguard.]
    • When Chuck Norris does push ups, he isn't pushing himeself up, he is pushing the earth down.

      Now thats the man I need for a bodyguard.
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