InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

InsaneJournal Announcements

Welcome Agian

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It looks like we are once again taking in accounts for GreatestJournal. We are thrilled to have you here! We would like to point out that we do have the resources to take you in. And if the site continues to grow the way it has been then we will get even more resources as needed. We do have a plan in place to further expand the resources the site has. So you do not have to worry about us.

We do hope to win you over and have you host your journals, asylums (communities at other sites), roleplays, and fan fic here, we are also happy just to give you a place of refuge while GreatestJournal works out whatever issues they are having, and totally understand if you go back. We are really just happy to have all of our users here, temporary or permanent!

Also, I know there are a lot of people who are unhappy with the site design here on InsaneJournal. We are currently working on a new easier to use (and easier on the eyes) design that we hope to implement soon. Obviously we will get as much feedback as possible. In the meantime we have a number of older site layouts that you can use. To change to one of them go to
  • Just curious.. will you be adding more S2 layouts? Other than that, I think this site is awesome, and thank you so much for everything!

    Also.. I don't know why this is happening but when I've made two accounts, both activation emails failed to be emailed till I went back and manually changed the address in the edit profile to another email and then back to mine again. Is there any reason why they aren't being sent out automatically?
    • So far the only ones we have are the open source ones released by LJ. I am not good enough at design to make my own. If you want to create one and release it as open source, we would be thrilled to add it on IJ.

      I really do believe in open source, and it's the reason that IJ exists today!
      • There are several s2s available from the last LJ s2 contest that should be open source. I dug up transmogrified in [info]ideas, but I know there are more if you'd like me to find them.
      • *sneaks in* I've been working on that, too. Something that will emulate Expressive, basically. It's on hold just at the moment, but there's really only the sidebar stuff left to do in it. *sneaks back out to work on her CSS some more*
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