InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale

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I forgot to end the holiday sale on Friday, so it did extend through the weekend. However I have reset the prices back to their regular price. I want to thank all of you who participated in the sale, it was the most successful sale at InsaneJournal that we have ever had!
  • Are permanent journals always available to purchase?

    Thanks for running such a great service- I love it here! :)
    • For the time being they are. We are considering putting the sale of them on hiatus soon. Please keep an eye on [info]announcements for any information regarding our items for sale.
      • Eep, I hope you consider waiting until after Christmas, as I've put a permanent account on my wishlist. :) I'd hate to see them go before then.
        • Def will wait until after the new year
          • Fabulous!

            Hopefully sending Ij a check will be easier than sending LJ a check or money order - tried several times and it never got there, it was so annoying.
            • I haven't heard of any problems. The check or money order goes directly to me so you don't have to worry about a middle man loosing the payment.
          • Please wait until at least after the middle of January? That's when I'll actually have money to purchase some, and I definitely want to. But at the moment I'm pretty much broke, or I would have already. *bats lashes*
      • !!!!!! Pleaaaaaaase don't. :[ I get my financial aid next month and the FIRST thing I planned to do with it was come here and buy perm. accounts for this and my gaming journals. :[

        I do understand that you'll do what you have to, but I was totally throwing that out there. :'(
        • Maybe we and others can help convince him to change his mind? :)
        • We will give plenty of notice, we aren't going to do anything until sometime next year
        • Yup, same here, I won't get my financial aid until mid-January.
      • Will this be affecting people who alredy have the permanently insane account?

        Thanks, squeaky :)
        • Sort of, a kind of retroactive taking away of our perm. account status? I can't see Squeaky doing that kind of thing to us tbh. No, I'm much more worried about what'll happen to the place should something happen to Squeaky. :/
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