InsaneJournal Announcements

Sorry About that

InsaneJournal Announcements

Sorry About that

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Your ever so wise an all knowing sysadmin (insert sarcasm) goofed up. I forgot about the database logs getting really really big and filling up the log filesystem, and didn't move them somewhere bigger. So basically the database for the site locked up this evening and caused a couple of the tables to crash. I had to do some database repair work, but I got everything back up and running.

Yes this is the same thing that happened last time we moved servers ( , in the haste of it all I forgot about this, I'm sorry about it.

But take solace in knowing that it is fixed and the site shouldn't be going back down again any time soon.
  • I think it crashed about halfway through a post I was writing... >.< I noticed on the twitter site, right at the beginning when twitter still said the site was running, there isn't anywhere to click to let you know if there's a problem. There's a link to an insanejournal asylum but of course with the site down, that link was inaccessible. Anyway. I wasn't worried at all: I knew the Great Squeaky would be fixing it soon. :)
    • I have a few people who I have given a way to contact me via text message to let me know if they ever see the site down. Thankfully I noticed at right about the same time they were texting me.
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