InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server Up!!

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server Up!!

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InsaneJournal is now up and running on it's new great and awesome server!! Thank you to EVERYONE for your patience! Please report any errors you are seeing in this post. I will be sitting here online for the next couple of hours just to keep an eye on things!

Note: There is a problem with the site sending email right now. I am working on it. You won't receive notifications for a little while.

Note #2: Email is working, but some providers (i.e. yahoo) seem to be bouncing mail, I am working on that will have it resolved in a day or two.

Note #3: Email to yahoo and google are now working. AOL is blocking us right now. We will, hopefully, have this all resolved soon.
  • I'm still amazed by all the updates and just how much you care about keeping us informed! It's really appricated.

    I was wondering about the update to coding. I know that it was said before that with the new coding comments and such would stop dissapearing, which in an RPG is really important. Is there any guess on time on when coding would be updated?

    Thanks again!!
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