InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale Extended

InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale Extended

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I have decided to keep the current holiday sale going until the end of the week. So until Friday you can get a Permanently Insane account for $35 (regular price $40) and a 1 year Self-Committed[paid] account for $15 (regular price $20)
  • Dear Squeaky,

    You are Stealth Goodness.

    I came here in July thinking it'd be a hold over until Scribblit. I've now got a Scribblit Early Contributor account and yet I'm still here. I just bought a PI account.

    There's a lot to be said for that 'old feeling' the other place used to have, where it all felt like it was about an online international village/community.

    • PS

      You've still got some words/titles/promotions from the other place in some of your support response emails. It can get confusing to see their name and not yours.
    • You're welcome
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