InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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For those of you that use GreatestJournal, we just want you to know that they are back up and accepting accounts again. We hope that you have enjoyed your stay here, and I want you to know that you are welcome to stay if that's what you wish.

If you are going to stay, I want to announce that we are still going to continue with the server upgrade as soon as the new server is ready to go. I am still waiting on my hosting company to hand the server over to me, then it's a few hours of work for me to get it ready to host IJ. We hope to be able to turn the new faster server online either tonight or tomorrow night.
  • Wow, major props to you. I've heard all sorts of stories before about the GJ staffing problems, but the things that have come up just recently are just boggling, like the person who said he hasn't even done maintenance on the server since 2003 either. Hope you'll have a MUCH easier time of it here!
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