InsaneJournal Announcements

State of the Site

InsaneJournal Announcements

State of the Site

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Okay, just so everyone knows what happened and what is going to happen. Yesterday I tried to bring the old IJ server up as a second webserver to help the load. There were some problems with libraries causing a lot of things to break. So I rolled the change back, unfortunately I had to clear out some S1 style customizations so some of your journals may look funny. If you go back to the customize page you should be able to reset all of your style options.

Today I just ordered a new server to move IJ to. This one has about 4x the horsepower are the current one, so it will help alleviate the load. We are going to be moving the site to the newer bigger server asap. We don't forsee any issues, but we do recommend that you backup any icons and keep note of any S1 customizations.

I want to thank EVERYONE for coming over here and having patience with our growing pains. If you talk to anyone who came over in the June/July migration, they will tell you that we had the same growing pains, but we were able to move to a bigger server and weather the storm.
  • I am pretty sure that they won't, but I also don't want to leave everyone in the dark
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