InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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We shut off the new server as I found that there were some incompatibilities with different versions of the libraries that were causing problems. We are going to work over the next day or two to fix these and get the new server up and running. For now, we figure that a site that is running a little slow during peak times is better than one with errors all over the place. Please report any errors you are still seeing in this post.

  • Thanks, Squeaky :-)

    The only bug I've found (apart from general site slowness ATM) is that the light-coloured text on my dark background has suddenly turned black, rendering it impossible to read unless I highlight all. That's something that usually happens when someone uses the rich text client to post black text, but it's the first time it's happened to my entire f-list.
    • Yeah, you might need to reset the colors in your journal style, espically if you use S1. I had to clean up that table in the database and some users lost their customizations
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