Squeaky ([info]squeaky) wrote in [info]announcements,
@ 2007-12-05 23:04:00

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Welcome GreatestJournal Users
I have been in touch with the owner of GreatestJournal and their servers are overloaded. Due to this they are currently telling anyone who attempts to create a journal over there to come to InsaneJournal. We are prepared to accept you and hope you enjoy your time here. I know that the owner of GreatestJournal wants to give his user's the best experience possible.

But for the time being, feel free to make your home here.

Note: Please know that there is no conspiracy, GreatestJournal and InsaneJournal are independent sites, they are owned by independent people. This is what this is it is and nothing more.

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2007-12-07 12:11 pm UTC (link)
Please post that idea to [info]ideas so I can have a place of reference to go to when I am working on new features.

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2007-12-07 04:30 pm UTC (link)
Okay, I will. I didn't get the notifcation for this comment either. They were working earlier however when others commented in my journal, should I be getting them for here as well?


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2007-12-07 05:36 pm UTC (link)
Make sure your comments aren't getting caught in your mail provider's spam filter. I know that can happen.

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2007-12-07 06:19 pm UTC (link)
I got this reply so must have been just a tweak in my email. Thanks!

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2007-12-07 06:23 pm UTC (link)
You're welcome

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2007-12-07 06:33 pm UTC (link)
I was curious though is there a community to help with S2 styles?

Okay thats it for questions, thanks!

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2007-12-07 06:45 pm UTC (link)
We don't have an official asylum, but if you check out [info]asylum_promo you might be able to find one that suits your needs.

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2007-12-09 03:39 am UTC (link)
Me again ;)

I had a test post on my journal that some friends had commented to, joking around and such, and now the comments are gone and none of us deleted them.

also the search option on the site, for interests or otherwise, has been down today.


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2007-12-09 02:56 pm UTC (link)
This is a known issue with the current codebase, the comments are stil there, but for some reason they aren't showing. If you reply to one of the comments out of your email, usually they show back up.

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2007-12-09 07:02 pm UTC (link)
GJ had that problem at one time. Typically though if anyone replied to the thread anyhwere those missing comments would show, which doesn't work here. Unfortunately my email (hotmail) doesn't allow me to reply to emails from it so virtually the comments are lost since I can't reply to make them show.

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