InsaneJournal Announcements

Another Welcome (and a sale!)

InsaneJournal Announcements

Another Welcome (and a sale!)

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I see we have had another influx of new users here at InsaneJournal. It appears that a lot of you aren't very happy with the announcement over at our competition. I do have to thank all of you, a number of you have already taken advantage of our low cost upgraded accounts, and we really and truly do appreciate your generosity.

I do want to take the time to let you know that InsaneJournal has not ever been in talks with anyone to purchase the site, nor do we foresee there being any interest from either myself or any outside party to acquire this site. I have been running InsaneJournal for the past 6 years and love this site and respect all of our users.

I am going to also take this space to announce that starting today. We are going to be having a week long christmas sale. Until next monday we will be offering Permanently Insane accounts for $35, and we will be offering 12 month Self-Committed[paid] accounts for only $15. Head over to the Insane Journal Store and buy yourself or a friend an upgraded account.

Thank you for supporting InsaneJournal and helping for this community to grow and flourish.
  • I haven't regretted my Permanent Insanity since the moment I bought it, and I'm very happy to be over here (and drawing users in dribs and drabs from lj *evil laughter). I think a lot of us had come to think of lj like you -- a nice guy running the place who just wanted everyone to get the most out of his service.

    Good thing that's still around, even if it's not around over there anymore!

    Bah, I am sick. Pretend this was coherent, pls? And yes, thank you for being so full of awesome.
    • Totally coherent .. and thanks a lot for the compliments.
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