InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server

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I have finished the site move to the new server. This is a HUGE moment for InsaneJournal. We are now on a new server that can handle easily triple or more the amount of users that we currently have. I am really excited and I hope you all are too. This was a lot of work. I'm sorry I had to have the site down for about 3 hours tonight to get this done. But it really needed to happen.

EDIT: There is a bug in the OpenID part of the code that I don't have the time to deal with tonight. I will look at it tomorrow. Basiacally you can't log in with OpenID and if someone comments in a post with openid it causes the comments page to throw an error. Sorry about that but I need some sleep as it's after midnight here and my brain isn't at 100%. I think I have gotten the rest of the bugs worked out. Feel free to report any more to
  • *raises a toast to Squeaky and applauds*

    Lightning-fast. This morning I fired up both GJ and IJ at the same time in 2 separate browser tabs. IJ started up, I logged in, loaded up my friends page, and had read 2 entries before GJ's front page finished loading.

    • Awesome, I'm glad you notice a difference.
      • Squeaky, dear, the differences between IJ and GJ are as plain as day. Anyone who can't see that IJ is MILES better, must be plain daft.
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