InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Server

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I have finished the site move to the new server. This is a HUGE moment for InsaneJournal. We are now on a new server that can handle easily triple or more the amount of users that we currently have. I am really excited and I hope you all are too. This was a lot of work. I'm sorry I had to have the site down for about 3 hours tonight to get this done. But it really needed to happen.

EDIT: There is a bug in the OpenID part of the code that I don't have the time to deal with tonight. I will look at it tomorrow. Basiacally you can't log in with OpenID and if someone comments in a post with openid it causes the comments page to throw an error. Sorry about that but I need some sleep as it's after midnight here and my brain isn't at 100%. I think I have gotten the rest of the bugs worked out. Feel free to report any more to
  • Heh, dont mind me for being old and out of touch, but what is OTP?
    • One True Pairing / One True Partnership. ^__^
      • Ahhh .. heh .. I am old and out of touch .. *laugh* but all you fandom people rock! Even though I am not into it I am thrilled so many of you decided to make my site home!
        • No spring chicken myself here - I'm thirtysomething, which feels ancient in net terms some days. ^___^ Anyway, we love you too!
    • the technical abbreviation definition is "one true pairing" and by that definition most fandom journalers use it to say "this is my preferred ship in this fandom"

      Less fanatical fandom journalers like myself just use it to say "this is one of my favorite ships"

      (ship being pairings/threesomes/moresomes/what-have-you.)

      • heh .. I can totally understand what you're trying to say there .. heh
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