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Site down overnight

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Site down overnight

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We are aware of the issues with the site being down from around midnight to 4am the past 3 nights. It seems we have gotten yet another mass influx of users. We will have the issues resolved by tomorrow night at the latest.

Thanks you for your patience and understanding while we work to upgrade the hardware here at InsaneJournal.
  • I read your bio on your site and it confirmed two things:
    - You sound like a nice guy :)
    - Graphic design isn't your first language :P
    (though I'm told paid accounts are prettier? Hmm.)

    I have a question:
    How do you feel about Brad, and can I have that in writing? - i.e. what are your plans for the future should the crazy masses migrate here and generate a shit-load of "content" you find is worth serious money in some way or other?

    :) meg
    • HAH! I agree I am a programmer at heart. I tried to play with graphic design only to realize I am terrible at it.

      Personally I think Brad is a genius and a visionary. He is more responsible for the social networking aspect of the Internet than anyone out there.

      I think he made a bad decision in selling his company to Six Apart and I am pretty sure he regrets it often.

      In the future I would like to keep this site independent. At best I would quit my day job and work on the site full time, but right now it doesn't pay enough to support my family, so I have to keep my 9-5. It has been a dream for quite some time to be able to work on InsaneJournal as a full time job, but reality states that I am going to have to have enough money on hand to live off of for awhile before I am going to take that risk. I do have a wife, a 5 year old daughter and a mortgage to think of.
      • Thanks for replying :)

        So what you're saying is:
        - You hope IJ will become your full time job, but you think that's still a ways off into the future?

        - And you don't expect it will become really big (and/ or tempting to investors) but if so, you're not going to sit here today and say you won't make a profit in some way?
        (Though you think Brad regrets selling.)

        Sorry for bothering you, but I'm very interested in knowing :P
        I do think you're doing an excellent job, I might add.
        • Just curious, are you writing an article? Or are you just curious.

          But, yes I would love to be able to do IJ full time and work form home. That's been a goal for a long time.

          Though no I dont expect that it will ever become tempting to investors. If it ever did get to that point, I would have to do a lot of thinking and I would be very open about the process. I would not let the secrecy that happened with the 6A/LJ deal repeat itself.

          But, like I said I don't think that would ever happen. I love this site, it's been my pet project for almost 6 years and I want it to stay mine.
          • Ah - haha no, no article.
            I'm just not sure how I feel about the idea of another site owned by an individual, you know?

            Thanks for your replies :)

      • You know, with all these new users, you should consider running a contest for a redesign of the site (personally, it doesn't bother me, but it's one of the things I saw most cited in the "cons" lists people were making of various alternatives to LJ). Maybe gift the winner with a free perm account or something.

        Just a thought :)
        • That's a possibility, maybe as soon as I finish unpacking my new house and get a few other things with the site done.
        • That's a pretty good idea :3

          I don't have huge issues with it aesthetically, but I hate yellow... haha XD
      • Yay! You have no idea how happy that comment just made me. Hooray for you!
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