InsaneJournal Announcements

Last Chance Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Last Chance Sale

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Due to feedback we have received, the IJ owners have decided to bring back the Self-Committed [paid] account type. With this we are going to introduce a new pricing model.

$10 - 6 months Self-Commited [paid]
$20 - 1 year Self-Commited [paid]
$40 - Permanently Insane

We are still offering Permanent extra userpics and Rename tokens for the same low prices that they have always been.

This change will be made Friday, July 27th. So you have until then to take advantage of the current $30 Permanently Insane price.
  • If you're really worried about that, why don't you explain it first? Because communication is the key, isn't it?

    I'll be frank with you; I was honestly upset that you were jacking up the prices of permanent accounts, because it made me feel like the site was starting to get greedy (that's what it felt like, at any rate; I personally felt that just reintroducing paid accounts would do the trick without increasing the price of permanent accounts). However, I noticed in your comment that it was partially because you wanted to be fair to paid accounts.

    If that's the case, and you're worried about this kind of ill will, maybe you could just explain it a little (if you wanted to)? That way, it could at least reduce ill will from people who might feel that the site is starting to get greedy.

    But that's just me; it's ultimately your site, so I guess it's really up to you, isn't that so?
    • Actually I did explain it in my personal journal, but you're right, maybe I should have put something up over here.
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