InsaneJournal Announcements

Last Chance Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Last Chance Sale

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Due to feedback we have received, the IJ owners have decided to bring back the Self-Committed [paid] account type. With this we are going to introduce a new pricing model.

$10 - 6 months Self-Commited [paid]
$20 - 1 year Self-Commited [paid]
$40 - Permanently Insane

We are still offering Permanent extra userpics and Rename tokens for the same low prices that they have always been.

This change will be made Friday, July 27th. So you have until then to take advantage of the current $30 Permanently Insane price.
  • I'm still trying to decide whether I want to spend the money on myself for a permanent account... but the price is so low, even if I can't coerce my fandom over here, it might be worth it for the time I do spend using this account. Hm. I'll think about it over the week.

    Thanks for the updates and awesome prices. Even the $40 is still completely more than reasonable.
    • I'm really glad everyone seems to think that the new price is still reasonable. I really do intend to keep the best prices in the industry. And I want my free accounts to still be as good as some other's paid accounts, though I am fully aware I can't meet that all the time.
      • IMTNSHO (hee), I think the prices are more than reasonable. $30 over at LJ gets pretty much what $0 gets someone here, while $40 will soon get over here for as long as IJ lasts what $30 only gets a year at LJ (give or take a few things...peace of mind here being one of the nicer perks ;)

        If I hadn't already pitched in for permanent, I wouldn't have a complaint at all about $40. That's still an awesome price.
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