InsaneJournal Announcements

SSL Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

SSL Update

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Hey everyone! Committed a TON of code today and moved a lot of things on the site to SSL. Soon we will redirect all links to SSL, hopefully that will go well. Please let me know if you see anything broken that wasn't broken before.
  • Okay, amend that to every single icon/image in my icon journal. What gives?
    • It might just be me, but the icons and previews somehow work on my end if I open the set.
      • That's the really weird thing for me too. It only works, I believe, if you use my cut text, which is set as a default (via coding) to visit the http version of the page. If you click the "link" button or enter the page by any other means, you get taken to the https version, where every image is broken :/
        • Ah crap, just noticed that. I hope there will be an easy fix :(
          • I hope so too :( Every single icon journal I've checked so far this morning is having the exact same problem.
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