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InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

InsaneJournal Summer Sale Update

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Thank you all so much for supporting InsaneJournal, I hope you have found value in our summer sale. We will continue the sale through Sunday July 7th.
  • Agreed. If I put the wrong password in a couple of times I just have my information sent to me. I also like when you have to confirm part of your email address before it will send it, usually in the form of a radio button list of three options, and then all of them are mostly asterisked out so that you have to actually know your email to pick the right one.

    For instance, if my email was it would say a*******; I know what my email name is and I know how many characters in it, so picking it out of a list to confirm sending the password email is pretty easy, but someone who doesn't own the account would have a harder time picking.

    Most sites that limit login attempts to 3-5 will usually put a hold on further attempts for the next 1-3 hours, and honestly the few times I've just completely forgotten a password and that's happened to me I was fine with having to wait to try again with the right password.
    • the thing about emails on this site is finding out who plays who in rp so i dont think that part is a good idea
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