InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Update

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Hey everyone, I haven't given an update to the state of the site in quite some time.

Based on feedback we have decided against moving our content to a Cloud Provider at this time. We are going to continue to maintain our own physical servers in a leased rack in a datacenter for the foreseeable future.

We will be looking to have a fundraiser to replace our existing and aging hardware at some point in the fall, with hopes of getting new servers by the new year.

Really not much else to announce, I look forward to your comments and will answer any site related questions in them.
  • I personally would hate to see that. There's often quite a bit of content on an asylum even when it's no longer being updated. I can think of a fest that ran on LJ that the owner deleted when she deleted her own journal which made many of us quite sad.
    • that's not currently the case though. many of these asylums are empty and no members can even access the asylums content
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