InsaneJournal Announcements

Fight Against Comment Spam

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Fight Against Comment Spam

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We have taken additional action against the comment spam that has been happening including banning certain text from comments as well as limiting the rate anonymous users can comment. Hopefully this will make a big impact and keep you guys from having to put up with this annoying problem.
  • Whelp. Is anyone else experiencing this many spam comments?
    • Like 15 a day
    • Yeah, on some days I'm getting around 15-20; others I get around five. I don't know if you've noticed any patterns on your journals, but I know on mine I seem to be getting spam targeted at my most actively viewed accounts and/or entries (ie. my main account whenever I post new entries, the demo journals I've recently posted that people are viewing when looking at newer layout posts, and preview accounts that I've been sending to clients the last couple of weeks to view their orders on.)
      • They mostly hit brand new pages on my journals. That link was previously an app.
        • Yeah, that's sounding like what's going on with mine too. I just got up and had a handful more, both on one of my newest code posts and on a dummy text entry on a demo journal that I'd just posted last night.

          Here's something interesting: I just got one on my Sticky Navs post that I thought was from someone on DW (the reason turning off anon is not an option for me) before I opened it and saw the comment text, because the title was in English and seemed to be someone having issues with installing a code.

          "Mother of god! I did not realize it could be so hard :-/
          I've found loads of helpful information on your site especially this page. Thank you for posting.
          [shady link 1]
          [shady link 2]

          So that was a new one. Usually the English ones are about totally unrelated things and very obviously spam, so maybe they're starting to change up their automated output.
          • I've had a few that had ij usernames in them- which was o d d - and a Thai one, but I guess they realized we don't speak Russian and Thai.
            • ,,,huh. Well that's super creepy. My guess is they're adapting to bypass the banned text; either that or, since we're still getting the old ones too, it's a new, smarter round of bots.

              (Love the background image in your layout, btw!)
              • Yep. I mean, obviously, I could turn off anon commenting, but I haven't rped with those journals in a while, so it's a ~progress.

                (I think I got it from unsplash!)
                • Yeah, I feel you. I have... so many demo accounts and RP accounts that I just don't have the time/energy to sit and go through every last one. But then, also, on this specific account turning off anon just isn't an option for me because it would be restrictive to people who come over from other RP sites like DW to ask questions about codes.

                  (Ugh, yes. I use Unsplash for so many of my demos!)
                  • YUP. I don't want to point fingers at anyone, but I'm so glad that I made ~epochcaps friends only at this point. I would've lost my desire to be on IJ so fast.

                    (You know I love your codes, though.)
                    • Ugh, well that's good at least! I bet that comm would be getting hit pretty hard if it allowed anon. :\

                      (Pshhh, ty boo! ♥)
        • This has been my experience as well - every time I put up a new app or a new dropbox etc. that's what's getting hit.
          • I know this is a super late post, I want to clarify cause I fucked up on mobile that I'm just confirming this is still the pattern for me as of... I'd say 4 days ago. I haven't gotten more than 1-2 in the last 4 days though so maybe its worked!
          • It's been better lately! Just the occasional notif, so whatever is happening, it's starting to work.
      • I'm getting them mainly on 3-4 YEAR old posts. Today, I got exactly one on a recent post, so far. The others were on older posts.
        • Yeah! My newer posts are getting it way worse, but I have two (always the same two) old code posts from years ago that keep getting them too. I have no clue why those two are the outliers, but for some reason the bots love them.
          • Same here, they *really* like my 4 year old + post about playing Skyrim. Heh.
            • They just really want to talk about Skyrim with you, don't judge! :P

              But yeah, idk. Sometimes it seems like there's a pattern; others it doesn't, so maybe there's two independent sets of bots.
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