InsaneJournal Announcements

Upcoming Account Purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Upcoming Account Purge

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It's been a number of years since we've done one, but server space requires that we purge some inactive things from our servers. We are currently reviewing the parameters we are going to set to decide what gets purged and what doesnt. We are hoping to preserver all useful content and don't intend to delete any users that still have valid content in case any users still want to access this beyond the purge. This post will serve as a forum to discuss what the community feels about this and what parameters you all would like us to consider.
  • How do you define useful content though without the resources to put toward individually checking each journal? Is it a character count? An entry count? If a journal has next to no friends as well, nobody can access that content anyway if it's private or friends-only. There's so much to factor in.
    • I realize that. I'm aiming at a few key factors. Im not going to divulge them to keep spammers/etc from knowing exactly what they need to do to preserve an account.
      • I trust you'll fine a way to do it that's fair to the community as a whole. Thank you for all your hard work!
        • Thanks for your support and for your feedback. It's very important in decided how we are going to proceed in this.
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