InsaneJournal Announcements

Summer Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Summer Sale

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The InsaneJournal summer sale is still ongoing. Head over to the InsaneJournal Store and check out the great deals we have going until July 8th!
  • You can always make purchases for IJ items at the InsaneJournal Payment Center ( However, Perm accounts only go on sale at certain times of the year and I believe the next sale of that specific type of account is in November or December at a reduced price (I think the last time was $35?). I think the regular price is $50? (It could also be $150, but I might be getting that confused with LiveJournal or Dreamwidth lol)
    • It's $50 normally. Though sometimes cheaper.
    • Thank you, that was extremely helpful. I'm excited for November-December now!
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