InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale Prices

InsaneJournal Announcements

Holiday Sale Prices

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Our holiday sale prices have been set to reflect the prices for the rest of the year when we will go back to regular prices.

The items on sale are:
- Self-Committed[paid] - 12 months for $20 (Regular price $25)
- Extra Userpics - 12 months for $15 (Regular price $20)
- Permanently Insane Account for $45 (Regular price $50 will not be available after the sale ends)
- Permanent Extra Userpics for $25 (Regular price $30)

Our 5 token rename packs are still on sale for their regular price of $20 (this is a discount of $5 over regular rename token packs). This unique item will only be on sale until the end of the year. Rename tokens never expire so stock up now!
  • question about permanent accounts, if you rename iit, does it lose it's permanent account status?
    • The account with the entries keeps it status regardless of the name. However if you swap names, the permanent account will not follow the name.
      • So in other words, if I take this username and rename it [info]rickjames for example (lol not gonna do that, fyi), this username would be demoted to free patient status?
        • No, so if buffysummers is permanent. And it's renamed to rickjames. rickjames will now be permanent.

          However if you had doctorevil and renamed it to buffysummers. Buffysummers would no longer be permanent, however that permanent status would go to the temp username that is created in place of buffysummers.

          The way to think about it is, if you go to your profile page, there is a number next to your username. That's user internal userid. The permanent account is attached to that userid not the username. So wherever that userid ends up, is where the permanent status goes.
          • So buffysummers when it comes to account type doesn't matter, (4006055) on the other hand, does. Thanks! :)
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