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Suffering Fools [Sep. 24th, 2013|07:43 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]ueno_katsuko
2013-09-24 09:53 pm (UTC)


“So long as you don’t fall over doing it,” Kakashi said, and started to unstrap the bandage holding her sling in place. She grunted and undid the catches on the right side of her armor, wincing when the spray hit her abraded skin.

“So,” she said, struggling to slide off her chestplate. “How was your up-close-and-personal time with bug mom? Sounded like you got to at least third base.”

"She was kind of a bitey kisser," he said, without missing a beat. "She did almost get the lieutenant in a family way, though."

“That’s the problem with bug queens.” Katsuko tilted her head back and sighed when the chestplate hit the floor. It felt like a ten-ton anchor had been lifted from her shoulders, leaving her free to drift up towards the ceiling. “Their only settings are ‘kill’ and ‘impregnate’.”

"And 'die'," Kakashi said, voice rich with satisfaction. He eased Katsuko's sling off carefully, dropping it to the floor to land in a crumpled heap on top of her chestplate. “Speaking of which—I know what I did, and what Ram did, and I have a fair idea what the captain did. Which just leaves the eyes. Was that you?”

“Hm?” Katsuko blinked, confused. After a moment, she propped her good elbow up on his shoulder and nodded. “Yeah. I was the distraction. Fire worked pretty well on her squishy bits, until she tossed me off her head.”

"And then you forgot how to land?" He braced her arm while he helped peel her black undershirt off, fumbling a bit with his right hand. Dazed as she was, Katsuko still felt him pause while she yanked the undershirt collar over her chin. Water droplets hit the bare skin of her stomach, and she abruptly remembered why she didn’t take her shirt off during one-night stands. She could feel the weight of Kakashi’s gaze on the surgical scars striping her torso, the intricate tattooed whorls of the seal underneath her navel.

“Well, it was a long way down.” Her undershirt joined the pile of dirty clothes, leaving her in her sports bra and pants. She was still using Kakashi as an elbow rest; he’d feel it if she tensed. Instead, she smirked and leaned her full weight against him, casually canting her weight on one foot like he was a convenient fence-post. “I did tell you about the enemy medic-nin, right? Don’t be surprised. The seal’s the Hokage’s work.”

His mask tilted as he looked at her face. As she’d hoped, he didn’t push. “I can tell.” After a second, he asked, “Are you going to take off your pants, or do you need me to?”

Katsuko leered, happy to take the bait. “Only if you take yours off first.”

"I've done mine once already," Kakashi said. "You missed it."

When had he— Right. Ryouma. “Doesn’t count,” she shot back. “Ram was out for the count, and therefore can’t provide me a description. It’s my duty to give him an accurate report. For team cohesion.”

“No,” Kakashi said. “Take your pants off.”

Katsuko considered this. “Why?”

Kakashi’s tone implied he had opinions about her intelligence that weren’t flattering. “Because you have demon slime everywhere.”

“That’s true,” Katsuko conceded. “But if I move, I think I’m going to fall over. Let’s just stay like this for a bit.”