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When the Reckoning Arrives [Sep. 20th, 2013|06:25 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]hatake_kakashi
2013-09-20 11:14 pm (UTC)


It wasn’t actually that bad. Clumsy, but serviceable. The solid ANBU chest plate was already doing a lot of good work to hold the bone in place, and the break didn’t look badly displaced. She was young. Young bones liked to greenstick fracture, not shatter.

Kakashi tightened the sling, pulling Katsuko’s hand up level with her heart and ignoring her thin sound of pain. He strapped another loop of bandage around her upper arm and passed it around her torso, anchoring her arm firmly in place. The knot gave him no problems; it was a poor ninja that didn’t know a dozen one-handed ties.

“What painkillers do you tolerate?” he asked her.

“I’m fine with a normal dose,” she said.

Morphine, then. All jounin—and most chuunin—carried pre-loaded syrettes in their kits. Kakashi found one, snapped the cap, and shot it into her thigh, where a demon claw had helpfully ripped through her black armor underpinning. The violent chakra roil startled him, and made everyone with usable muscle function tense. She took a slow breath through her nose and let it carefully, steadily out.

Not a needle fan, then.

“Same for you?” Kakashi asked Ryouma.

Ryouma hesitated, then shrugged the tent-blanket down just enough to bare one shoulder. “Half a dose, maybe.”

If Raidou was right, killing the mother-demon had taken three soldier pills' worth of chakra rammed into one jutsu, all funnelled through Ryouma’s coils. If he wasn’t feeling that now, he would be soon. Plus painkillers would help ease shock, and Ryouma wasn’t obviously concussed enough to worry about the effects of morphine throwing off an accurate head injury diagnosis.

“Okay,” Kakashi said, and gave him a full dose.

Ryouma twitched away with a thermal glare. “If I pass out from that, you’re carrying me.”

“I thought you never fainted?” Kakashi said, stowing both spent needles back into his belt-pouch. He caught Ryouma’s chin again and pulled the other man’s head slightly down, trying to get a look at whatever invisible head wound Genma and Raidou were so concerned about. There wasn’t anything immediately obvious. He ran a hand quickly over Ryouma’s head, searching for the—

Ah, flinch.

Ryouma yanked away again, hair sticking up in offended spikes.

“You have a lump,” Kakashi informed him. “I don’t think it’s fatal.”