ANBU Legacy - When the Reckoning Arrives [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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When the Reckoning Arrives [Sep. 20th, 2013|06:25 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]tousaki_ryouma
2013-09-20 10:07 pm (UTC)


He didn't take to the trees again, either out of consideration for their wounds or some belated care for his own, but he did set a steady pace. Ryouma let himself limp a little, but favoring his left knee just made his right thigh hurt worse. Hopefully Genma and Kakashi would have returned with all the missing villagers by the time they made it back to the mine, and Genma would still have enough chakra left for a little healing, and then they could have a picnic in the woods and sing campfire songs.

Or he could just fall over and go to sleep right now, maybe pillowed on one of the quietly rotting carcasses they passed...

This was actually going to be a problem, if anything else came boiling out of the mine before—or after—Kakashi and Genma brought the villagers up. He fingered the vial of soldier pills tucked into his chestplate. Two left, out of the three he'd started with. He didn't need the calories, but the caffeine buzz would help, and the chemical chakra surge from one more pill should give him another two shots of the Naizou Tokasu at least. Nothing like a few nights' good sleep and the steady thrum of his own chakra at full strength, but at least he probably wouldn't start bleeding from the nose yet.

On the other hand, he was bleeding already. And he'd sort of promised Raidou he'd be smart.

He cleared his throat. "Either of you feelin' up to a chakra transfer?"

Katsuko's step faltered. She caught herself, but her shoulders were rigid beneath armor and bandages. "Not a good idea for me," she said. "Captain?"

Raidou's hand dropped gently on her less-injured shoulder. "I can do it. Why don't you rig the entrances? You're better at making things blow up than me, anyway." He paused. "Don't blow it until the other two are out."

"I wouldn't do that," Katsuko said seriously. "The lieutenant would be angry with me."

"Heaven forfend," Raidou said, and gave her a push. She jogged off through the rain, snickering. Raidou's gaze followed her until she disappeared in the trees. Then he glanced back. "Okay, lightweight, let's have you."