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Take the Mask [Jul. 24th, 2013|10:14 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]namiashi_raidou
2013-07-25 06:19 am (UTC)


Raidou wasn’t an expert in Kakashi-speak yet, but the restless look in that one visible grey eye said it was time to intervene.

“Sit up, Ueno,” he said. “You haven’t earned a nap yet.”

Katsuko shrugged and levered herself up, curling her legs up and wedging herself comfortably into the far corner of the couch, which left a tidy acreage of space between her and Ryouma’s spread knees. Raidou was half-tempted to ask Kakashi to sit with them, but that was a hornet’s nest of issues that didn’t need kicking quite yet.

“Ground rules,” Raidou said instead, and knew he’d picked right by the way Katsuko groaned, Ryouma frowned, and Kakashi’s shoulders relaxed the barest inch. Raidou grinned and glanced at Genma.

“This is our office,” Genma began dryly. “There are many like it, but this one is ours. You’re welcome to come here at any time.” His eyes flicked to Katsuko. “Even if you just want to sleep.”

“Assuming we can find it again,” Ryouma muttered, mostly under his breath.

“We needed permission to sleep here?” Katsuko said, hurdling over the point like usual.

“You’ll learn,” Raidou said to Ryouma. He ignored Katsuko; if you paid attention to everything that came out of her mouth, you’d be chasing fictional butterflies for days. Better to rap her knuckles when you caught her in the act of an actual wrongdoing, which was less often than people thought.

Ryouma gave a dubious nod.

"Desks are personal and private,” Genma continued. “Lock something inside and it won't be touched. Leave it out in the open and it's fair game.”

“That said, if I catch someone deliberately thieving on this team, I will dislocate the first joint that presents itself,” Raidou said mildly.

Genma gestured to the filing cabinet sat beside his own desk. “Maps, scrolls, and forms are in here. Disorganize them at your own peril.”

Raidou could see the question forming in Ryouma’s eyes, edged in subtle worry, but let it wait for the moment.

“Pegs on the wall for anything you don't want to wear while you’re in the office. Masks, too.” Genma nodded to where his mask hung on the wall, sharing space with a short sword. “You're responsible for your own day-to-day weapon and armor maintenance, but major sharpening, serious damage, and replacements for expended kunai, shuriken, senbon and so forth, you requisition from the quartermaster. Req forms are in the cabinet I mentioned before.”

Katsuko had started her inevitable slide down into the sofa cushions, as if she hoped they might swallow her. Ryouma, at least, was raptly attentive. Kakashi was watchful and silent.

Genma toed a cardboard box out from under his desk, and lifted the flap to reveal rows of bars wrapped in muted brown paper. “This is a case of field rations. Tell me your preferred flavors and I’ll try to keep them in stock. The cafeteria is 24/7. And I keep a full medical kit in the bottom drawer of this cabinet. If you use something from it, replace it.”

It would be unprofessional to draw little hearts around his lieutenant, but Raidou still wanted to.

“Chocolate,” Katsuko said instantly. “No, vanilla. Caffiene. Do they have that?”

“Peanut butter,” Ryouma said.

“Anything’s fine for me,” Raidou said. “Sesame-ginger, if you can get it.”

The room looked at Kakashi. After a long beat of silence, he conceded, “Jerky.”

“You like dried fish?” Genma asked.

Kakashi looked faintly surprised. “Yes.”

Genma leaned down and unearthed a vacuum-sealed packet of dried herring, which he held up by way of demonstration. “Me, too. But you have to balance them with some carbs. I recommend the millet-konbu bar if you don't like the nut-flavor ones.”

A thoughtful flicker crossed the visible quarter of Kakashi’s face.

“Seriously, are there caffeine ones or not?” Katsuko said. “This is information I need to know.”